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Almost every tourist to the question: what would you like to visit in Berlin in the first place - would have answered, "Reichstag". We also decided to necessarily rise to the observation deck of the building, and assistance in this we had a hotel manager Alexander. The fact is that for about six months to get into the Reichstag can only record: this is due to security measures. Alexander previously sent a request to the Registrar, and the answer came to us with information about the date of the visit.

A little before the appointed time we arrived to the building of the German Parliament. Beside him stood the tent of security. Making sure that we are on the guest list, a security guard misses us to the point of control - check here is very serious, almost like at the airport, and maybe even more. Inspection are all backpacks and bags, visitors pass through a metal detector, many even offer to remove your shoes.
Once recruited a group of 25 people, all are guided into the building, where everyone goes back through a metal detector. Safety at the highest level! Elevator takes us to the roof of the Reichstag, which offers a unique view of Berlin. Unfortunately, the glass dome was closed on that day there were carried out some work, but the area on the roof was at our disposal. On the section of the wall preserved historical inscription "Astrakhan Makarov" left by the Red Army in the capture of the Reichstag in 1945.

Downstairs, take photos on the lawn near the building, such photos can often be seen on the magnet souvenirs. Many tourists visit Berlin as part of a bus tour in Europe, so they make shots from the outside: go to the Reichstag without an appointment is not possible. Often you can find tourists from Russia, came to ask his countrymen to take our picture. They are dressed for the weather clearly: in shorts and T-shirts, that Berlin is cool even in July, they probably do not know, but the tour operator did not bother to warn them.
Nearby is the monument to Soviet soldiers who died fighting for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union. It is located in the Tiergarten Park, just a few hundred meters from the Reichstag. In the approach to the monument to hear the roar of engines - the street on June 17 after the arrival of Nicolas Sarkozy has decided to somehow repaired. I think it was, and so are in good condition, but apparently the Germans are not sufficient.

mfortable ride on a double decker bus, get off at near Berlin Cathedral - the largest Protestant church in Germany. Here we have the only time in the entire trip collided with street swindlers, beggars. Gypsy woman with good looks came up to us and asked in German. Seeing that we do not understand, tried to speak in English, French and Italian. Realizing that it does not go, she quickly moved on to another passerby.

Another point of compulsory attendance was the Berlin TV Tower. We were warned that all there is very big and it is best to visit early in the morning. But in the morning we have not had, and from 11 to 12 hours we stood in line for a ticket. System visit was very original: the ticket was not the exact time, but instead printed serial number. And next to the entrance to the tower hung scoreboard, which shows you the number of tickets, whose owners have to go to the checkpoint at the time. For those who are not going to wait a few hours nearby, developed an SMS service: half an hour before the scheduled time of the message with a request to go to the entrance to the tower.
To arrive at the appointed time at the gate. Inspection is even more strict: you can not carry with it a liquid and piercing-cutting items. I regret parting with a bottle of drinking water: take it with you you can not, we have to give employees control service. I think it is too much, but the Germans are relentless when it comes to security. We pass to the high-speed elevator that lifts us to a height of 200 meters above the ground at a speed of 6 m / c. For comparison - the usual elevator in an apartment building in the middle is moving at a speed of 0.75 m / s. The sensation of movement, such as the plane takes off.

Through thick glass viewing platform city are clearly visible, Berlin and stretches for miles. Cars on the road from that height seem like toys, and some pedestrians resemble ants, hurrying her simple cases. Very noticeable difference between the former "east" and "west": apartment buildings in East Berlin districts of Moscow strongly reminiscent of Soviet development.
Near the windows are telescopes, which only accept coins 50 cents, or 1 €. I had to go to the bartender (at the observation deck is a small bar) and ask to exchange small change to the larger coins. By the way, the floor above the restaurant is located, to get to that can only be booked in advance place. Lack of visitors he clearly does not feel. Together with the Alexanderplatz TV Tower is one of the most recognizable places in Berlin
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