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Morning hung heavily over Berlin rain clouds. According to the forecast is scheduled rain, so leaving early in the morning from the hotel, we brought along an umbrella. Generally, the weather in the German capital, we did not indulge. To get to the subway station Friedrichstraße, where to change trains on the train S7, which is the last stop - the city of Potsdam. The journey takes about 40 minutes, and after a while we leave the passenger station.

As soon as a man comes to us, advertising bus tour of the city for 18 €, but it is for us not interested. Seeing the sign of bicycle rental, instantly decide to take the vehicles for rent. Owner rolled happily meets us - apparently customers had few today. Even asking for what we need, gesticulating animatedly, shows us a small map of the route bike ride - about 20 miles. The main attractions are marked with circles. As a result, we are taking two bikes for hire, rent cost us € 22 for two. Choosing a suitable machine, the expert himself to them passing a few meters, to ensure normal operation, gives us a special lock and kozinku for things.
- I need your Ausweis, - man asks.
- Why?
- I am going to write down your data.
As we didn't give him any deposit, he asked a document in order to know our names.
- Is driver's license appropriate?
- Yes, of course, - he answered me.
Businessman was ecstatic when I learned that we were from Russia, the city of Volgograd, he knew, but remembered Stalingrad. Rewriting the number of my "driver license", he warned us that the bikes must be returned to 7 pm. If it is in place, bicycles can be attached to the little wagon locked, and the key to lower in a special box (such as email). We said goodbye to our assistant, begin a journey.

Ride a bike - a real pleasure: most of the way we are doing on special tracks. They are separated from the road markings and pedestrian areas, tourists can gape signaled call, and those in a hurry for them to leave the exclusion zone.
Our first goal (and as will be only because of the weather) - Park Sanssouci. 30 minutes to get it and end up in a remarkably beautiful place. Since moving on bicycles in the garden you can not always, parking our iron horses in the parking lot of the building.

Here is the same name Sanssouci Palace, built in the year 1745-1747, as well as long vine terraces. Overall, the park is very green, the water in the fountains is so clean and clear that it can be seen floating in the fish (my friend Ivan said that most likely it copies koi carp). Ducks quietly dart under the feet of passers-by or freshen up in the water fountain. Since Ira and we still did not have any pictures together, I turn to one of the tourists with a request to make a picture. We understand each other, but at the end of the conversation I made a funny mistake: instead of "Danke" (thank you), the spokesman said "Bitte" (please do not mention it), but he did not embarrassed and only smiled in response.

After strolling through the park, back to the bike and continue driving. Two large buildings on the outskirts of the park are currently under reconstruction and repair. Around them stretched banners and worth a lot of construction equipment. This picture has become habitual for us: the reconstruction everywhere - in Berlin, Potsdam, Dresden.

On our way along the route - something bike path goes into the street and cyclists have to move on it along with cars and buses. After about a third of the road, we have, unfortunately, had to finish ahead of a trip by bicycle, because he started to rain. Quick access to the rental station, we find there is returned to the employee and equipment. Our new friend shrugs and says that tomorrow the rain will most likely not, but plans to come back tomorrow, we naturally do not.
Rain intensified, and we decided to say goodbye to the city of Potsdam, Ira purchased the memory card a few souvenirs in the varnish, and we went to Berlin for the very same train S7.

Evening we decided to dedicate a hike in the museums. Teacher training with Ira told that on Thursday after 18:00 entrance to all stories palaces, located on the Museum Island is free! What was our disappointment when we found out about the cancellation of the provision. But already there was nowhere to retreat, knowingly drove and walked in the rain. Purchased two tickets for € 10 in the New Museum, and went to learn the culture of the ancient civilizations. All those wishing to distribute free player "audio guide": the Russian language is not provided, Ira took in German, and I'm English. As it turned out, we both knew almost nothing of the story of the lecturer. :) The player had buttons with which you can download the audio file to a specific number that matches the number of rooms, but exactly where to look for this number the hall, I did not find one. Apparently so, I was not alone, that many tourists walking around with the same slightly bewildered expression on his face. An hour later it became boring: the visual history of ancient civilizations - not our path, say goodbye to the museum and go to the hotel, on the road going into a couple of shops.

In the next part - the coldest day and tasting German national dish - "karrivurst."
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